Monday 18 January 2010

NSWDET employs sledgehammer approach to change.

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase

"Everyday my email inbox alerts me to at least one teacher who has become a new follower on Twitter. Now while I’m definitely not the best ed-tech guy in Twitterland to follow, I like to think that for each of those emails, a light bulb has switched on somewhere and a teacher is working to change, or at least keep up with the change that’s continually going on all around them."
Stu Hasic 

Will the sledgehammer approach work?
In a (wal)nutshell, the sledgehammer approach is:
1. Give computers to every student.
2. Build the expectation in the community that they will be used in school.
3. Shame teachers into action/change.

Read this blog and consider the many important questions Stu poses. 

Stu points out that "Coinciding with Australia’s next (scheduled) Federal Election and only half-way into this four year “revolution”, there will be the evidence needed to either justify or pull the plug on this ambitious and much needed change in school education."
What do you think?

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