Tuesday 18 August 2009

Integrating ICT Pedagogy

The Australian National Schools Network is facilitating an exciting national Project in conjunction with Education Queensland International and supported by the AGQTP.
The participating teachers can already be proficient users of ICT or teachers who would like to develop their skills further. Having a huge range of skills in ICT is not a requirement of the project.

It's more about enthusing teachers to want to know more about how ICT can be integrated in Maths, History, English and Science.

The Workshops are free. Participants include schools in 20 locations nationally, with every state and territory represented including locations such as Bairnsdale, Warrnambool, Cairns, Townsville, Dubbo, Armidale, Lismore, Newcastle, Darwin, Katherine, Alice Springs. Geraldton, Albany and Bunbury.

For further information go to the website or to make contact click here