Monday 3 May 2010

Professional Learning needs to take a new direction.

 Ben Jones is a Professional Learning and Curriculum Support Project officer with the NSWDET Program delivering the Digital Education Revolution is NSW Public Schools.

Recently Ben posted: If we can’t teach ourselves, who can we teach?
Ben states that: "We are at a cross road with professional learning. Down Status Quo Avenue we can continue to feed, structure and support our dependence on the 16th century professional learning models. The alternative path leads down ‘New Directions’ street requires us to evaluate our position, and then most importantly we need to play our position.

The provision of the Connected Classrooms in our schools and the widespread availability of webinars, online training modules and tutorials open many doors for growing knowledge.

Explore Ben's questions for reflection:
Consider what professional learning could look like?

I particularly love one these professional learning suggestions from Ben which would help build a strong and supportive school culture:

Provide extra relief time post professional learning for teachers to
pay it forward making it part of school culture and
 ■Build a culture of play and exploration by time tabling 15 minutes play!!

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