Sunday 13 November 2011

Reflections to ponder at report time.....

Let's really THINK about these gems:

If a child learns something but no one is there to test them, did they learn anything? @RobBower 

“Children should be given a voice not only about the means of learning but also the ends, the why as well as the what.” — Alfie Kohn

"It is not how much material we cover, it is how much we uncover that matters."  

Are you ready to be the “Guide on the Side” and not the “Sage on the Stage”?
STUDENT CENTERED CLASSROOMS and Student-Led Conferences @Cybraryman

Correction to above: "I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand."-Confucius
and last but not least: 

If education was really about learning 

Are your students "learning"? 
are they just "being taught"?

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