Friday 16 March 2012

iPads- iKnow iNeed 2 spend more time consistently learning-Do you?

Sylvia Tolisano indicates that she sees many educators (administrators and teachers) using the iPad they have but  not putting in the time (consistently) to become skilled- to gain iPad literacy and fluency. 
Are you spending enough consistent time to become proficient? iPad fluent?

You need to spend plenty of time consistently to become iPad fluent. It does not happen overnight-but it can happen!

"Fluency on the iPad, like language fluency, does not necessarily come natural to most people. Unless you grow up in a language, as  your mother tongue,  and you acquire speaking this language unconsciously as a baby and child, it will require an effort (to various degrees) on your part to learn to become fluent in that language. Becoming fluent on the iPad requires a conscious effort and time as well."  Sylivia Tolisano

Make it easier on yourself by being guided by educational experts such as Sylvia. Develop your fluency by using the tools recommended on her post: My 10 most used iPad apps to become fluent

Don't fall into the trap of using your iPads "as a “translation” tool (figuring out how to do something the same way  they are used to doing on their desktops or laptops)." Sylvia Tolisano
Sylvia indicates that she sees many educators (administrators and teachers) are using the iPad they have but and are not putting in the time (consistently) to become skilled to gain iPad literacy and fluency. Are you spending enough consistent time to become proficient? iPad fluent?

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