Friday 1 March 2013

UPDATE- The First Book Club

One of the initiators of this innovative Book Club, Barbara Braxton, shares the latest update:
"The March 1st task for The FIRST Book Club has now been posted on the Club's
site  (While anyone can view the task only those registered as members can respond to it.)

Unfortunately, this site is very 'no frills' so I apologise for the lack of
formatting that might make it difficult to read.

However, in conjunction with this site, we have also established a wiki - The
FIRST Book Club Wiki 

The tasks will also be available there as well as extra information, like Lyndy's list of suggested apps that students might use for Task 1.  This is where students will also need to upload any digital presentations, although written responses are added to the comments section of the original site.  If you choose not to upload to the wiki, then put the link to the presentation in the comments box of the original site so others can view it.



Participants will need to register for the wiki before they can upload any
presentations, and I'll approve these as I get the notification.

Students have till the end of this month to respond to this task.  


Please encourage them to comment on what others have said or done 
but remind them of the rule to treat everyone with dignity and respect. 
Remember the purpose of the club is to connect kids so they can have greater enjoyment of their reading adventures."

If you are subscribing to The FIRST Book Club wiki so your students can share
multimedia responses please make sure you subscribe to There is another wiki called
firstbookclub which is run by someone else. Ours has 'the' as the first word and
I've now changed it so that there are hyphens in between the words.

You will know you are at the right one because there are a dozen little
calendars marching across the banner on a purple background.

Remember you don't have to join the wiki or the club to view the activities
but only registered members can upload their responses.  Each person wishing to
upload their response has to have their own account - neither is a site where a
teacher can create one a/c and then a host of 'sub-accounts'.  However, a
teacher can collate students responses and upload them in one post, although the
forum site has minimal formatting so responses may become garbled.

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