Sunday 22 August 2010

Interactive Whiteboards: Leading us into the 21st century or chaining us to the past?

Chris Betcher is an Australian teacher, author, blogger and podcaster. 
He blogs about education, technology and ideas at, and produces The Virtual Staffroom, a podcast featuring conversations with leading teachers about the use of technology in the classroom. 
He has presented at conferences and workshops in Australia, New Zealand and Canada on the effective use of technology for learning, and is an active member of the online global educational community. 
Chris is also the co-author of the book “The Interactive Whiteboard Revolution”.

"Love them or hate them, interactive whiteboards seem to have become a part of today’s modern classroom.  There are many teachers who see them as a wonderful ‘window to the world’, able to open their classrooms up to a plethora of digital experiences, make learning richer and more engaging in the process.  Then there are others who see IWBs as the devil incarnate, a scourge on the educational landscape that sets our classrooms back by thirty years. They claim them to be setting the sage back on the stage and ruining the student focused nature of the classroom."

VSR30: The Whiteboard Conundrum   November 1st, 2009

In this episode as we speak with Rob Newberry, James Hollis, Danny Nicholson, Martin Levins and Stuart Walsh, five experienced and opinionated IWB users and try to explore some of the bigger, deeper questions behind the use of IWB technology.

Love to hear from you

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