Tuesday 13 March 2012

Teacher Librarians are ready-Are you?

"Students’ success in today’s society depends on their ability to use information and communication technologies to access, evaluate, synthesise and present information to develop an understanding of the world in which they live and ultimately work.  A teacher librarian is a significant contributor to the development and delivery of the school’s teaching and learning program through the distinct and overlapping roles of curriculum leader, information specialist and information services manager.
" Statement on School Libraries in Australia
Librarians Are Ready  Are You? 
View more documents from Jennifer LaGarde

Statement on school libraries and information and comunication technologies 

Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and Australian School Library Association (ASLA)

Teacher librarians recognise the ubiquitous and transformative role of ICTs in providing access to information both within and beyond the school community. A key focus of school libraries is to ensure equitable access for all school community members to engage in the world of technology-enhanced information environments. 
School libraries embrace the continual development of new technologies and the opportunities they afford to improve efficiency and increase access to information and recognise the potential to foster lifelong learning, personal learning goals, inform decision-making, build knowledge capacity, innovation, creativity, inquiry and cultural continuity. School library programs are constructed with the knowledge that rapidly changing structures and the complexities of ICTs require learners to acquire and apply a range of multimedia literacies.
Teacher librarians will have the specialised knowledge, skills and attributes to utilise ICTs to:
  • organise, store and disseminate resources in multiple formats;
  • identify appropriate sources of information resources beyond the school;
  • provide equitable access to relevant quality resources;
  • shape the information-seeking behaviour of users in the school community; and
  • guide the development of information organisation, knowledge creation, and communication and presentation.

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